Liquidity or current ratio = Current Assets / Current liabilities
If the current asset has been decreased and the current liabilities has been increased then the answer would be higher than before.
The current ratio tells the same and the only difference written above and in current ratio is that the above mentioned Answer is conceptual based whereas current ratio uses numerical values of current assets and current liabilities written in the balance sheet.
Current ratio tells us that whether or not the company is able to meet its short term liabilities (Current Liabilities) using its short term asset (Current Assets).
Remember that the current assets are the assets that are convertible to cash within next 12 months. Whereas current liabilities are the liabilities which we have to pay in cash within the next 12 months.
1.37 - 1.90
Really hard to say a exact number but here's and idea.
Answer: Consumer price index
Explanation: A Consumer Price Index measures changes in the price level of a weighted average market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. The CPI is a statistical estimate constructed using the prices of a sample of representative items whose prices are collected periodically
The gross profit method is an inventory tracking system that shows the cost and gross profit margin on each time. The gross profit method allows a company to see how much money they would profit from their inventory on hand after they subtract the cost of good solve (COGS). Businesses can choose to do this daily, weekly, monthly or yearly depending on their business and accounting/book keeping needs. Each type of business has periods and those periods are what mades them stay on track with accounting.
Answer: an externality, market failure
Externality, simply refers to the gains and the costs that a third party gets due to the productivity or consumption activities of an individual or firm. In the above question, a negative externality occurs as the production of the firm has a negative effect on wildlife and the people living in the area.
In this case, the externality results in market failure which is due to the inefficiency with regards to the distribution of the goods in the free market.