Scientists have proposed more than two dozen ways to define species. One commonly used definition, called the biological species
concept, holds that populations belong to the same species if they can contribute genes to a common gene pool. Reproductive barriers block gene flow between different species. Gene flow between populations tends to hold the gene pool of a species together. Three of the most prominent definitions of species are the biological species concept, the phylogenetic species concept, and the morphological species concept.
For each characteristic, identify the appropriate species concept(s) to which it applies.
I. Biological
II. Morphological
III. Phylogenetic
IV. Morphological and phylogenetic
V. Morphological, phylogenetic, and biological
a. Accommodates asexual reproduction
b. Relies on similarities in structure
c. Based on evolutionary history
d. Not applicable for extinct species
e. Used by scientists in classiffication
f. Species acceptance criteria can be subiective
The answer is true. It is because the activated sludge
process made use of the aeration in which air being mixed with a substance
together with a bacteria and protozoa that is in a biological floc that will
help treat the wastewater.
African trypanosomiasis is a parasitic disease transmitted by the tsetse fly. It gets its nickname 'sleeping sickness' because symptoms can include a disturbed sleep pattern.
Gymnosperms are a type of flowerless plant that tend to produce cones and seeds. This is why the name refers to "naked seed", seeing since the gymnosperm seeds are not positioned within an ovary. Therefore the presence of exposed ovules or the structure that contains the seeds in a place would immediately indicate that this is, in fact, a gymnosperm.