Normandy invasion also called operation overlord or D-Days during world War II the allied invasion of wester europe which was launched one June 6 1944
To declare that you are officially a follower of that faith.
The correct answers are B and E.
B.<em> </em><em>It provides evidence to support its conclusion.</em>
The Commission held regular meetings with the Government of Sudan in Geneva and Sudan. It also did a throughout investigation on the events succeeding there and analyzed the received information. The conclusion reached was that the Government of Sudan and the Janjaweed ( a militia that operates in Sudan, literally 'a man with a gun on a horse) are responsible for indiscriminate attacks, including killing of civilians, torture, enforced disappearances and many more. The Sudanese government denied those charges but the Commission's findings were based on an investigative report and therefor reliable.
E<em>. It was written for and released by a respected international organization.</em>
This report was written by the <em>Commission on Human Rights in South</em> <em>Sudan</em> which was created by the United Nations Human Rights Council.
The Commission's purpose was to determine, collect and present evidence for alleged gross violations and abuses on human rights and related crimes, including violence and ethnic violence in Sudan.
A globe is a three-dimensional sphere while a map is two-dimensional.
The Indian Removal Act
The Indian Removal Act was promoted, and signed into law by president Andrew Jackson ini 1930. The Act allowed the president to negotiate with several native american nations (the Cherokee, the Choctaw, the Chicasaw, etc) who lived in the southeastern United States for their removal from those areas, and their relocation to a new designated Indian Territory west of the Mississippi river (mostly in Oklahoma).
The Indian Removal Act caused the death of thousands of Native Americans who died of starvation and disease during their removal. This event is known as the Trail of Tears and is considered a genocide by many contemporary historians.