Here, you simply need to make sure both fractions have common denominators!
Denominator = bottom number
10 and 2 are denominators!
So, let's look at them. 10 is not the same as 2.
The ONLY way to make them the same is multiplication.
So, since 10 is the bigger number, we'll leave it alone. Let's look at 2.
Can 2 become 10? Yes! How? Multiply 2 by 5!
2 x 5 = 10
Now let's look at the fraction!
1/2 --> ?/10
If we multiplied 2 by 5, then we also have to multiply 1 by 5!
1/2 --> 5/10
So now you've got:
7/10 + 5/10
Add the numerators (top numbers) together.
7+5 = 12
When adding/subtracting, the denominators always stay the same!
12/10 = your (unsimplified) answer.
Now we have to simplify it. How? Divide the top and bottom by 2!
12/2 = 6 10/2 = 5
So your simplified answer would be 6/5 !
Hope this helped!
DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional tutor or have any professional background in your subject. Please do not copy my work down, as that will only make things harder for you in the long run. Take the time to really understand this, and it'll make future problems easier. I am human, and may make mistakes, despite my best efforts. Again, I possess no professional background in your subject, so anything you do with my help will be your responsibility. Thank you for reading this, and have a wonderful day/night!