<u>If you were given a large data set, such as the sales over the last year of our top 100 customers, we can use this data for future production. The benefits of describing the data for the company is to increase the profit. </u>
Further Explanation:
A large data set means the data which carries the information of more than thirty. The data has the information of more than thirty customers, it is considered as the large data set. If the company has a large data set for sales over the last year, then this data can be utilized for the benefits of the company. Following are the benefits of having a large data set :
• With the help of a large data set, the company can be estimated the targeted sales.
• The company can analyze which product is selling the most. On the basis of a large data set, the company makes the choice of which product should be produced.
• The company can target the consumer which market has the highest sale. The company will deliver the goods more in that market.
• The company can target the consumer in which category was purchased the most number of goods. With the help of a large data set, the company can target the category of the consumer.
• On the basis of previous sales, the company can estimate the number of goods to be produced.
Learn more:
1. Learn more about consumer protection law
2. Learn more about consumer influence
3. Learn more about organizing data
Answer details:
Grade: Middle School
Subject: Marketing
Chapter: Customer preferences
Keywords: a large data set, sales, over the last year, of our top 100 customers, we can use this data, for future production, the benefits, of describing, the data, for the company, increase the profit.