provides choices for employment, encourages innovation and competition and
freedom for the individual to choose what the market provides. These advantages also results to low costs, increases
chances for wealth and a variety of goods and services. It also motivates us to
take part in economic activity.</span>
the study says that children learn social behavior such as aggression through the process of observation learning
This has often been referred to as communication predicament.
It means that there are certain stereotypes younger people have towards older generations, such as that they are always and invariably dependent on them and that they should basically be treated as someone incompetent. In turn, these older generations start acting according to these stereotypes, which leads to their abilities declining.
Lawmakers use newsletters, websites, email, town meetings and polls to stay in touch with voters opinions. I hope that this is the answer that you were looking for and it has helped you.
Hinduism is bound to the hierarchical structure of the caste system, a categorization of members of society into defined social classes. An individual's position in the caste system is thought to be a reflection of accumulated merit in past lives (karma).