The answer is "stack the court with new justices and ones that supported the New Deal"
frequently called the "court-packing plan", was a legislative initiative proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to add many more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court in order to get more favorable rulings regarding New Deal legislation that the Court had ruled unconstitutional.
Lieutenant colonel james doolittle led the air attacks on tokyo in 1942
Austria-Hungary was a powerful country that existed during the 19th century and until the beginning of the 20th century. It was located in Central Europe and the Balkan Peninsula, including the territories of modern day Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, northern Italy, southern Poland, western Ukraine, northern and western Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and northern Serbia (Vojvodina). Multiple nations were not happy by the rule of Austria-Hungary, so they openly opposed it and were trying to get independence, with Bosnia and Serbia being some of those states. Bosnia and Serbia managed to gain independence only after the Austria-Hungary Empire fell apart, so both of them became part of the newly form Kingdom of SHS.
Renaissance art, painting, sculpture, architecture, music, and literature produced during the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries in Europe under the combined influences of an increased awareness of nature, a revival of classical learning, and a more individualistic view of man. Scholars no longer believe that the Renaissance marked an abrupt break with medieval values, as is suggested by the French word renaissance, literally “rebirth.” Rather, historical sources suggest that interest in nature, humanistic learning, and individualism were already present in the late medieval period and became dominant in 15th- and 16th-century Italy concurrently with social and economic changes such as the secularization of daily life, the rise of a rational money-credit economy, and greatly increased social mobility.
The Dust Bowl intensified the hardship.