B. The Germanics lacked loyalty to Rome and sometimes bought against the empire" is the best option from the list, since the Germanic tribes had very little connection to Rome or its empire and were just interest in getting paid.
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The gap between rich and poor people increased
Patrick Henry was against a strong, centralized national government and constitution because he wished to see real, structural limitations on the new government’s power, such as taking away its authority to tax. He felt that a strong government <span>betrayed the principles of the Revolution.</span>
This impacted the power of the roman catholic church by calling the people to pray, aswell as organizing religious trecks and creating a petition to stop the pestilence
Article IV section 3 of the constitution mandates congress to vote on how a new state is to be formed. I do not know the exact terms of how a state is created as a sovereign body, but I suspect any new state would have to go through what Hawaii and Alaska went. These were territories that were not carved out of an existing state so the problem was not complicated by two states feuding over where the boundary would be.
Recently Puerto Rico had a non binding referendum on this very question. I don't know what was decided.
It's the Federal Government in the form of congress. The territory has to be in favor of statehood.