"Thus every man, by agreeing with others to make one body politic under one government, puts himself under an obligation to ever
yone in that society to submit to the decisions of the majority, and to be bound by it. Otherwise—that is, if he were willing to submit himself only to the majority acts that he approved of—the original compact through which he and the others incorporated into society would be meaningless . . ." -John Locke, Second Treatise of Government, 1690, Which democratic ideals is described in the passage?
Social contract is in political philosophy an agreement or theoretical arrangement between the governed and their rulers, which determines the rights and duties of both parties.
According to John Locke (1632-1704) in <em>Two Treatises of Government </em>(1960), described the state of nature as one where the rights of life and property are recognized by natural law and in front of any inconvenience the enforcement of those rights should come into action.