1935 was wavering. The economy was at a seemingly brink of risk and Roosevelt was not going to let it plunder. Many said that the "New Deal" wasn't working well enough and thought that what they saw was the government taking over. May 1935 came around and it hit its all time low. The National Industrial Recovery Act was a key piece of New Deal legislation. However, in 1935, the supreme court struck it down. Roosevelt wasn't having any of this and so he made the Second New Deal which proposed many new parts of legislation, including Social Security.
I would go with A War
Desired to be reunited with family is not forced
Slumping economy is not forced it is a choice
If the government were to force migation it would not provide an incentive, it would simple be the government made you
The sun has heat, and the heat causes the snow to melt because of the sun's tempature.
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