It is a working hypothesis making a claim about the population parameter in question.
In statistics science, the null hypothesis is all the opposite of which the investigator desires to probe and it is represented with H0. Normally, the null hypothesis is considered true, unless there is strong evidence to prove that it is false. You will also need to formulate an alternative hypothesis, that will show what you want to probe, and will be represented with H1.
For instance, let's say that you want to make a research about the average time per day people spend using computers. You will interview 1000 people, in a small city. Before you start the interviews, you want to prove that people spend more than 5 hours per day using their computers (H1), or if it's all the opposite, and they spend less than 5 hours per day (H0).
1)el champu
2)el jabon
3)el espejo
4)la toalla
5) la secadora
1. la semana pasada
2. Sol del Perú
3. la guitarra, la flauta y todos los demás instrumentos musicales de la música andina
4. bordar el tren a Machu Picchu
5. fantástica alegría de esa música
Explanation: Disculpa la tardanza pero ahi estan si aun no las terminas :)
The answer should be “delante”
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