The second aspect of public goods is what economists call “nonrivalrous consumption.” ... If the good is excludable, private entrepreneurs will try to serve as many fee-paying customers as possible, charging lower prices to some customers if need be. One of the best examples of a public good is national defense.
In the face of all these events of the century, the United States remained intelligent, providing weapons in the war, another making allies to remain victorious. Among all these moments in history, the United States remained one step ahead in strategic terms, of what could happen next and how to make the error something that could benefit it. In this sense, I believe that all events have made the United States become a world power through strategic acts.
Thomas Jefferson
He is most responsible for the Declaration of Independace because he is the one who wrote ot.
The United States and the Soviet Union had been involved in the Cold War for about four decades
<span>Volcanoes are a destructive force because their eruptions destroy trees and other landmarks, but the magma they produce can be constructive as it dries on land to form mountains. Tectonic plate movement can cause earthquakes, which is another example of a destructive force that breaks apart land.</span>