Bands of soft rocks like clay and sand are very weak in which they can be eroded very quickly. Since cliff and coastline doesn't erode at the the same pace, an inlet of the sea to where the land curves inward forming a bay. Once soft rocks are eroded inward, the hard rocks are able to stick to the sea to form a headland
I will explain.
Lava comes in two primary appearances: Pahoehoe and aa. The reason why they have two different types of appearances is because the older aa in the photo has weathered and the iron in it has oxided somewhat, giving it a reddish and chunky appearance. It also moves fast. Pahoehoe has a flow that is comparatively smooth or a "ropy" surface. Pahoehoe doesn't have the chunky appearance.
In high altitudes, people have less oxygen to breath in, making strenuous activities much harder.
Vice versa in low altitudes.
A deep crack in the earth is called a fault
The Appalachian Mountains are a vast system of North American mountain ranges. They lie partly in Canada , but mostly in the United States , forming a zone, from 150-500 kilometers (approx. 90 to 300 miles) wide, running 2,400 km (1,500 miles) south and westward from Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada to central Alabama in the United States, with foothills in northeastern Mississippi .