“When they heard Box 342 rung, however, they assumed the fire was out of their territory and unhitched the horses. Only two fire companies were not fooled by the misleading alarm.”
You can take your time on tests, and when you're done check you're answer. You can read your essays backwards(when you do this your brain pays more attention because it is doing something different). You can finish work on time. You can ask for extra credit options. You can study for tests everyday(if you study before you go to sleep it helps you remember what you need to).
Answer: Here, voters have been generous to the school system over the years, and bond measures have passed
Macbeth is feeling invincible in this scene. His mania has risen to a level where he feels he cannot be touched or hurt until Birnam wood comes to his castle, which he believes to be an impossibility. He has taken the witches' prophecies and held them in his mind as if they put him on top of the world. He carelessly yells at his staff and demands that the doctor just simply fix Lady Macbeth. His mood is summed up at the end of the scene when he says "I will not be afraid of death and bane / <span>Till Birnam forest come to Dunsinane". This shows that he will never be afraid of death or being hurt until the forest comes to him.</span>
Most likely the troubleshooting section.
Hope this helps!
~{Oh Mrs.Believer}