El rey Ródgar, gobernante de los daneses, está preocupado por los ataques de un demonio llamado Gréndel. Cada noche, Gréndel asalta la lujosa sala de banquetes del rey, llamada Hérot, mata guerreros daneses e incluso a veces se los come. Ródgar fue un gran guerrero en su época, pero ahora es un rey anciano que no parece poder proteger a su gente. Afortunadamente, un guerrero gauta llamado Beowulf viaja a la mansión de Hérot desde sus tierras al otro lado del mar para echarle una mano, literalmente.
The reader can infer that black elks parents do not realize that he has ben on his request because B. his body never left the tepee
Poetry is a creative experience and for YOU to let your creativity shine through!
Here are some tips:
Try writing about an experience, such as nervousness for a test or the thrills of skiing.
Poetic devices, if there is no rhyme, can include alliteration (repetition of beginning sounds) and repetition, as well as many others.
if you find anything upsetting, tell someone you trust.
The controversy of women getting paid less than men was because people thought that women IS NOT the same as men. In the past, women were looked at as property or some fragile little thing that ONLY has the job of carrying children in the family and take care of the house. Also this depends on what timeline you are looking at, but women would often have less education compared to men simply because of their gender. Women are expected to be "proper" whereas men "manly." Now in the present, some men still have that traditional thoughts like how women can not be as great as men, which is why they would be payed less.