Genetics comes with birth and is from previous ancestors. It's genetic code, also known as DNA. You are born with your genetics inherited from your parents.
Hypnosis is used as an alternative treatment to relieve pain, stress , depression, panic , Gi influx etc.
Some concern in the use of hypnosis for any treatment areincomplete waking up of the patient, Appearance of new symptoms, mental trauma due to recaptulation of some memories, misuse of dependence of the patient by the hypnotist etc.
- Hypnosis involves the method of focusing the subjects mind on a particular thing in a way so that he gets diverted from the surroundings and peripheral stimulus.
- This relieves stress and pain in patients so that a medicine gets its time to act.
- Hypnosis has been legalised but there are certain ethical and psycological concerns about it.
The answer is Free factor / Independent variable.
A free factor is a variable that is controlled to decide the estimation of a needy variable s. The reliant variable is what is being estimated in a trial or assessed in a scientific condition and the autonomous factors are the contributions to that estimation. An autonomous variable in a test setup is the controlled variable. As it were, the free factor is the variable that is being tried or modified by the experimenter.