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Answer: D. Homans sign
Check for the severity of the swelling, monitor the flow of blood to the tissue, pulses equality, check for homans sign such as pain in the leg around the calve, the calve is meant to be of equal size and warmth. There should not be any reddish colouration or pains around the calve when there is ankle movement as this shows a negative sign of homans.
In any electrical installation, some current will flow through the protective ground conductor to ground. This is usually called leakage current. Leakage current most commonly flows in the insulation surrounding conductors and in the filters protecting electronic equipment around the home or office. So what's the problem? On circuits protected by GFCIs (Ground Fault Current Interrupters), leakage current can cause unnecessary and intermittent tripping. In extreme cases, it can cause a rise in voltage on accessible conductive parts.
a. You are eligible to vote.
If Age >= 18 Then
Write "You are eligible to vote."
Set - Age
Write "You can vote in " + Years + " years."
End If
The above code block is an example of if-else code block. The if-else code block follow a pattern of:
If (expression) then
end if
Based on the if Age>= 18 condition, the output will be "You are eligible to vote."
B: Audience interest around different topics.
When using Google Ads, and the main aim is to create a campaign for a particular marketing activity, there are several options that makes Google Ads the ideal application for this purpose. However, choosing similar audiences under the targeting option is simply telling google to find users or audiences that are interested in the different topics, but are in one way or the other connected to your marketing activity or campaign.