<h2><em>Losses</em></h2><h2>Song by
<em>Polo G</em></h2>
We block stars, they envy us
A broken child with stingy trust
This greatness can't be in a rush
Lil Capalot get plenty bucks
Girl, this ain't love, just empty lust
Just spoil her, go shoppin'
keep her
Ima give a list
7 Pounds
August Rush
Battle for Sevastopol
Cars (music is catchy)
Walle - E
Run, Boy Run
Ip Man (all of them)
John Wick
i have more but thats all ima put rn lol
Kono Dio Da!!
I like bubblegum. It’s soft at first but than it gets really hard so I take it out and put a new piece in
It’s all of the above. He created all those things
can someone translate please-