1. sound waves
2. eardrum vibrates
3. the bones in the middle ear amplify
4. the hair cells move up and down
an art movement is a tendency aur style in art followed by a group of artists during a specific time
Holy, did you draw undyne from undertale?!
Ammit: The ancient Egyptian goddess Ammit (also known as Ammut and Ahemait) was the personification of divine retribution. She sat beside the scales of Ma'at ready to devour the souls of those deemed unworthy.
Anubis: Anubis was the god of embalming and the dead. Since jackals were often seen in cemeteries, the ancient Egyptians believed that Anubis watched over the dead.
Osiris: Osiris is the god of life, death, the flooding of the Nile, and the afterlife. He was the brother and husband of Isis. They had a son named Horus.