28 lawns
8 lawns divided by 14hours = 0.5714 lawns per hour
0.5714 lawns per hour times 49hours = 28
For some reason, the type of pen I use makes a big difference. I prefer ball point pens. Writing clear and using highlighters are very helpful
Pg 1: ‘Arthur Birling is a heavy looking, rather portentous man’
Pg 2: Showing off to Gerald Croft ‘Giving us the port Edna?’
Pg 3: Showing off to Gerald Croft 'You ought to like this port, Gerald. As a matter of fact, Finchley told me it's the same port your father gets from him.'
In general, celebrities usually decide what is “in” and what is “out”. But like these fads, celebrities are fleeting and come and go with their voice or their prettyboy faces. This teaches our generation that the only way to fit in is to be attractive and buy expensive clothes, which is a hopeless endeavor, is one of the leading causes of depression in our youth, along with the social media, which is also dominated by the world’s celebrities.