Vex meaning making someone feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
I can't exactly give you the answer, as I haven't had a chance to read through the material, however I can help you come to the answer yourself.
Using the text, can you identify three ways in which the characters were "rebellious" or were told to do something, but didn't?
Or you could provide examples of how they were different from society's standards in some way.
Using a random example of being different from society's standards: Some slaveowners would treat their slaves as other human beings who were equal to them, and would educate their slaves to help them have good lives. This was not the norm, as slaves were usually treated as less-than-human and were often forbidden to become educated. If a slave was found participating in school-like activities, the owners of the slave had the right to kill them. By educating slaves and treating them well, a slaveowner wouldn't be following the typical norm.
I think the questions that must be ask are:
a.What does “encryption” mean?
d.What are “key distribution problems”?
All the text is based on the concept "encryption" so it is very important to know what it means in order to undestand the rest of the information. If not, you will be missing important facts. In addition, there are a lot of words used that are derived from this one, so you won't be able to undestand them.
Another important concept that gives a lot of information just by knowing it's meaning is "key distribution problems", they could be two or a thousand, it is important to know what they are and what they do.
The other question that seems important is the one of the "public key cryphtography" but this one can be inferred by the context.
The soul selects her own society/then — shuts the door
The answer is D. When you are saying what a broader subject is, you surround it with commas. For example, when I say "My aunt, Sally, is old.". My broader subject is aunt. I show more detail by telling you her name, Sally. I hope this helps!