In Great Expectations (1861), Pip, the main character of the story, claims that if Magwitch is caught (C) he will be tried and potentially hanged.
Abel Magwitch is an escaped convict that becomes Pip's friend. When Magwitch is arrested, Pip is conscious that Magwitch's fortune will go to the crown after his trial and he wishes the convict to die before he is hanged at the gallows in order for him not to die as an ordinary criminal. He even visits Magwitch, holds his hand throughout his trial, where he is condemned to death, and stands by his side when he dies before being hanged, fulfilling Pip's wish.
During photosynthesis, by using their chlorophyll, oxygen is produced as a waste product when plants use sunlight to “synthesize” sustenance into energy. The prefix “photo” means light, and the name “photosynthesis” takes its name from how plants utilize light to for the synthesis of food, water, carbon dioxide, and other nutrients.
It"s Etymology
Etymology is the study of words
be famous
Because you get to do everything
Our team has won more games than has any other team. - Sounds more illogical