"any acts or threats of acts intended to hurt or make women suffer physically, sexually or psychologically, and which affect women because they are women or affect women disproportionately".
This is gender based violence and it happens to non-binary people, Cisgender women, transgender women, and transgender men.
First you have to multiply and divide next multyply
She trusted what he said, but his actions revealed the truth or the truth him which is why his words now mean nothing. He didn't just cheat on her, he cheated on both of them. He didn't break her heart, he broke their future, as if they had plans for the future. He may never lie or cheat but if he get to steal, he should steal her sadness away. If he gets to lie, then he lies with her all the nights of her life. Lastly, if he must cheat, he should cheat death, because she wouldn't live a life with him or like she couldn't live without him as if he is the only thing she owns and that shows how strong the love she has towards him.
Maybe misunderstood the question, but hope it helped.
Precautions must be taken by motorists if food is consumed while driving.
By Kate DiCamillo
His sister, Merlot, tries to show him how to nibble paper. She takes him to a book and tells him which parts are yummy, but when Despereaux looks down at the page, something crazy happens—he's able to read the words! ... After she leaves, Despereaux turns to the page and starts reading the story.