First, Mesopotamia was blessed with especially rich soil. Diverse elevations (there are both high hills and low‐lying marshlands) and climatic variations in the region allowed for the evolution of many types of edible seeds and plants, as well as a variety of farm animals. California did not have it as easy as Mesopotamia did — it had several geographical disadvantages to conquer before its advantages could really shine.
Second, while the great city of Babylon was thriving in Mesopotamia in 3100 B.C., California remained rather insignificant as a trade or cultural center. It was inhabited by nomadic tribes who lived a hunter‐gatherer lifestyle.
Lastly, there was a speedy input of goods and knowledge via the waterways built across Mesopotamia. This was a distinct advantage of the area over competing regions, and allowed their economic and cultural life to flourish.
abstract vs concrete
Intuitive thinking refers to the use of abstract thinking and a more emotional based feelings approach to make conclusions. Most conclusions of intuitive thinking are based on "gut feelings". An example of intuitive thinking is drawing the conclusion that a person is a certain way based on the way their face looks. Conclusions are drawn not based on any factual evidence of their behaviour.
Logical thinking relies on hard evidence and facts. Logical thinkers rely on rules and processes to maneuver the situations presented to them and use these in their problem solving methods. An example of logical thinking that any shape with four equal sides is called a square. There is no need for analysis once these facts are established.
The answer is B! They would be hanged as traitors.
Working memory
Working memory is a framework for briefly putting away and dealing with the data required to complete complex psychological errands, for example, getting the hang of, thinking, and perception.
It is associated with the choice, inception, and end of data handling capacities, for example, encoding, putting away, and recovering information.