A line graph is used to display data that changes continuously over time. A bar graph is used to compare facts.
# of animals - bar graph
track the chickens - line graph
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are best known for their expedition from the Mississippi River to the West Coast and back. The expedition, called the Corps of Discovery, was President Thomas Jefferson's visionary project to explore the American West. It began in May of 1804 and ended in September 1806.
Hope this helps!!!
Discrimination against members of racial, ethnic, or religious groups is what I see important in Civil Rights issue today because the new civil rights movement is seeking to resolve our society's less evident but serious inequities. In America, opportunity should mean that everybody has an equal chance to reach their full potential. The promise is yet to be met by our government. The 14 amendment applies to this Civil Rights issue.
Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451. Little is known of his early life, but he worked as a seaman and then a sailing entrepreneur. He became obsessed with the possibility of pioneering a western sea route to Cathay (China), India, and the fabled gold and spice islands of Asia. At the time, Europeans knew no direct sea route to southern Asia, and the route via Egypt and the Red Sea was closed to Europeans by the Ottoman Empire, as were many land routes. Contrary to popular legend, educated Europeans of Columbus’ day did believe that the world was round, as argued by St. Isidore in the seventh century. However, Columbus, and most others, underestimated the world’s size, calculating that East Asia must lie approximately where North America sits on the globe (they did not yet know that the Pacific Ocean existed).