Option: C
An analogy is a comparison in which a object or an idea is compared to another thing that totally differs from it.
Here, word rival means a contender or a competitor to be defeated. This more or less matches the word enemy than all the other given words.
In the same way, to feud is to quarrel (argument that goea on for a pretty long time) and this directly means the term quarrel.
The rest options do come into account as the meaning totally differs.
Empathy is important when giving humor because you have to also feel what that other person is feeling and how they’re going to take your joke. If you were upset and you started joking on someone that might tear them down even more. You have to know when it’s time to be serious and not to be.
I’m not sure if that’s the answer, I just wanted to try and help.
Samuel clouds mother died of pneumonia at Little Rock.
Noun plural:
A representation or image especially sculptured as a monument!
Happy to assist you!
The poems "From the Dark Tower" and "A Black Man Talks Of Reaping" are heart- touching poems.
These poems are written by Countee Cullen and Arna Bontemps. These poets explain about the feelings of black people and their resentment towards the society.
The poets explain about how the black people in America are slaved and now its time that they have had enough. They will soon start a revolution to fight against this oppression. The poet explains elaborately about the situation by describing how black people do all the handwork and white people reap benefits from it.