Domestic policy covers a wide range of areas, including business, education, energy, healthcare, law enforcement, money and taxes, natural resources, social welfare, and personal rights and freedoms.
The world was changing because it was preceded by the Industrial Revolution.
These are the factors that led to World war 2 changing:
The Failure of Peace
The Rise of Fascism. .
Formation of the Axis Coalition.
German Aggression in Europe.
The Worldwide Great Depression.
Japan invading of China (1937)
Pearl Harbor and Simultaneous Invasions
The first major civilization emerged in the land between the tigris and euphrates river valley called sumer and appeared in Mesopotamia(Modern day Iraq).Starting around 5400 BCE and lasted until about 1900 BCE, the Sumerians were the first to organize themselves into cities.
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The overland routes of the Nile River and Mediterranean sea were trade routes used by merchants trading in ancient Egypt and across the middle East and Arabian nations. The ancient Egyptians traded gold, linen, copper, ebony, papyrus, grain and iron.
Egyptian traders met traders from other civilization just beyond the mouth of the Nile River to trade goods.
Disadvantages of the overland routes include; The route crossed a barren and really hot desert which made traveling challenging.
Also, the Egyptians placed a heavy tax on the usage of the route.
The discovery of the Cape of good hope made the route obsolete.