A register is a temporary storage area built into a CPU. Some registers are used internally and cannot be accessed outside the processor, while others are user-accessible. Most modern CPU architectures include both types of registers.
Font Size is calibrated by a kind of calculation system which is known as points. And a single point happens to be 1/72 inches in height. And thus, a character with a point size of 1 is around 1/72 of one inch in height. And if the point size is 10, then the calculations confirm as above that the character will be around 10/72 of one inch in height.
The overall kinetic energy of the 60mph car is greater than the overall kinetic energy of the 30mph car. Because of this, it takes a greater force to stop the faster car because it has greater amount of kinetic energy (aka the amount of force needed to overcome the momentum of the faster car is larger).
That would be 13^4, or 13*13*13*13 = 28561