1. Mi papá esta leyendo el periódico
2. Nosotros estamos dormiendo
3. Tu estas oiyendo la radio
4. Nosotros estamos pidiendo la comida
5. Mis amigos estan viniendo a mi casa
C. ¡Buenos días! Me gustaría ir al restaurante La Casona.
Your supposed to answer what the people on the first column buy (insert in second column ) (I think your supposed to make something up) and then type how they payed for it (third row) (ex. Credit card, as shown in the last row).
(I can help you finish the whole table just give me a couple of minutes)
Answer: 1) Ilógico
4) Lógico
Explanation: Hola!! Las actividades lógicas son aquellas que tienen coherencia y posibilidad de hacer. En cambio ilógico son actividades o pensamientos que no tienen coherencia o posibilidad de realizarse.
Hello!! Logical activities are those that have coherence and possibility of doing. Instead illogical are activities or thoughts that have no coherence or possibility to perform.
I hope I have helped you.