A. Approving the president's nominees :)
He dislikes all women because they supported the government in a strong way. Winston thought they were dangerous, and because of that he did not like women.
Dear Congressmen,
I understand that during the month of June, the Serbian-nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand sent groups to assassinate the Archduke. It is understandable that war is the only response however that is not the case. The millions of people that will fight for this is unimaginable and yet most of them are most likely to die fighting. Is one death really going to be the cause of millions of deaths? It is unreasonable and irrational to start war! Let there be peace Congressman, because if there is not peace your children and your grandchildren will fight in this war and die.
Native Americans were very connected with their environment - they nurtured it and used it as much as they needed, so as to survive. On the other hand, the settlers depleted all resources they could, razed everything to the ground in order to build their homes, as opposed to Native Americans who lived in nature. When it came to social relations, Native Americans were all equal (except for their chieftain). Europeans were also considered to be equal, however - they truly were not. Native Americans had their own beliefs and Europeans tried to force their religion onto Natives. When it came to slavery, there were no slaves with Native Americans - as I said, they were all equal. However, Europeans had no qualms about having slaves.