Its stomach was filled eith 30 plastic bags, and many smaller pieces of plastic. ... The whale was emaciated, and scientists believe that the plastic had gathered in such an amount in its stomach that it had created a plug, stopping the digestive process.
The cause of death appears to be starvation, though that's under investigation. Many of the stranded whales in 2019 have been malnourished, said David Weller, a research wildlife biologist with NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla, California.
En las sinapsis eléctricas la información se transmite a través de corrientes locales, mientras que en las sinapsis químicas se transmite mediante neurotransmisores. ... Las sinapsis eléctricas son simétricas, mientras que las químicas son asimétricas.
Step by steps explanation
The development of seeds are considered to one of the most important in the evolution of land plants especially the spore-bearing vascular plants. The seeds will serve as the alternative means of dispersal for reproduction purposes especially in areas where there is no water.