Not sure what you need to include in your answer but i will give my opinion.
In my opinion congressional members should be elected based on the popular vote, if a member is more popular and prefered than another member then they should be the one elected.
For example in the presidental election there is a system called electorial college, bigger states have bigger numbers to win. In the election they must have 170 points to win. This is an unfair advantage because if a canadidate has only had a small percentage more votes than the other popular canadidate then that's unfair and the canadidate who is not popular gets ahead even by a small margin of votes.
I'm assuming this is opinion based but hope it helps.
The Supreme Court interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment very narrowly, stating that the federal government could not prosecute individuals for discriminatory acts. Lynching's and mob violence were left to the states to handle. Within a generation after the end of Reconstruction 1877
A written legal code would be am improvement over an oral set of laws because citizens may forget laws, depending on how much there are. Having them written, where everyone can read it, may help them better understand and remember the acts/laws.
George Washington, the one on the dollar bill