A video summarizing the basics of the task at hand
Anzia Yezierska was an American author of the late 1800s and early 1900s who wrote stories about Jewish immigrants living in poverty or other unsatisfactory conditions of the Gilded Age.
Today's concerns on immigration - can I just summarize in one word - Trump. Donald Trump, the current president of the United States, has enforced a crackdown on immigration, even going so far as to promise that a wall will be built between Mexico and America to keep out illegal entrants.
Yezierska's novels bring out the humanity in these people. She wrote them to give perspective to educated readers the hardships of being a member of the working class, of being manipulated by bosses and high class. These opinions and points of view are particularly salient today because of the debate over immigration in the US.
The answer is all of these.
The Duke is the speaker of the poem where he is entertaining an emissary who has come to negotiate the Duke's marriage. As he shows the visitor through his palace, they came across the portrait of the late Duchess. The Duke then began to reminisce about the portrait sessions and then about the Duchess herself. As his monologue continues, the reader realizes that it was the Duke who caused the untimely demise of the previous Duchess.
In Churchill's "Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat" speech, he invites the House to approve of the war measures he has put into place.
This speech is a famous one given by Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the beginning of WWII. His call "to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us" is now famous in British history.
Specifically, he uses the word invite in the context of "I now invite the House, by the Resolution which stands in my name, to record its approval of the steps taken and to declare its confidence in the new Government."
He has just created a War Cabinet that will hopefully provide strong administration for the nation against the German threat. He is then seeking the government's support of his actions.
I would say b. I thin ki would choose that one.