Unlike democratic constitutions, authoritarian constitutions do not set direct limits on executive authority; however, in some cases such documents may function as ways for elites to protect their own property rights or constrain autocrats' behavior.
Answer: Locke identified the basis of a legitimate government. The duty of that government is to protect the natural rights of the people, which Locke believed to include life, liberty, and property.
Montesquieu believed that all things were made up of rules or laws that never changed. Montesquieu divided the government power into 3 branches he thought it was important to create separate branches of government with equal but different powers.
Explanation: These ideas that the government was based on Divine Right, also stated all people have natural rights and they should be involved in the government
Missionaries go into a community to teach about Jesus Christ and the Christian faith. Missionary work depends on where the individual or group of missionaries are going (international or local communities). At the very least, a missionary’s first responsibility is to God, then to his or her church or missions agency.
A scout, as they usually go do: camping, hiking, swimming, abseiling, cycling and canoeing.
Archaeological discoveries let we as a species connect with our history: both our recent and our ancient past. Because of the emotional significance our species places on them, artifact preservation is a vital means of protecting these physical validations of our past.