clean water supply and improved technology
Intensive family planning.
The varied developments in medicine, increased standard of living, and minimal or no warfare has tremendously increased the earth's population rapidly. Within a span of hundred years, the human population have increased from 1 billion to about 7 billion today.
Over population has become a huge problem to earth and its environment. People need more resources, so there is rapid draining of earth's natural resources. Similarly, people needs homes and places to live, so chunks of forests and jungles are cleared out for agriculture and urbanization. All these human activities are affecting the ecology drastically.
We need to quickly take up measures before it is too late. The most fundamental pratice to reduce overpopulation would be intensive family planning. Every individual should hold responsible to this practice. Family planning is discretionary to oneself, therefore it should be practiced responsibly.
If we can maintain human population, the consumption and emission of pollution would ultimately decrease too. Thereby, the earth would have better air and more green areas.
An attraction is an object or symbol of interest that people visit for its inherent uniqueness, beauty, value and significance. Although the classification of attractions differs, there are four main dominant categories. These are Natural, Heritage (Cultural), Purposeful-Built (Man-Made) and Events.
The impact of ancient Rome on western civilization cannot be hibernated. Though it has been thousands of years since the reign of the Roman Empire, but the traces are still evident in today's world. Some of the notable impacts can be found in today's architecture, arts, laws, engineering, constructions, languages etc. It is said that the Latin language, which was spoken by the Romans, went as far as Western Europe and many languages emerged from Latin. These languages are called the "Romance languages." They include Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian and Portuguese. As a result of this, over 800 million people around the world speak a Romance language. Rome is also associated with the Catholic church, it is believed that the Romans helped spread Christianity in Europe, and today it is the largest religion in the world.
So that people have to pay for their effort. As you know everyone in the community needs to earn money somehow in order to live.
Also used for copy protecting in short term to honor them as well