The main idea is found by looking at the general idea of the text you are reading, what is it about? What does it mention?
1. if Robert knew Jane.
2. where he spent his money
3. to not go far.
4. he was very tired.
5. she is very hard working this year.
1. I've just read the book " (insert book name)"
2. I thought the man walking down the street was my neighbor.
3. The students at our school come from all over the world.
4. Seattle is famous for it seafood and is a beautiful city. (im not for sure bout this one)
Answer:to entertain you and other people
Maps help us to locate places measure distance,and find where we are on the earth ........ On a map, north is at the top, left, and east to the right . every map has a map scale which realates distance on the map to the world