“The Good Morrow” is an aubade—a morning love poem—written by the English poet John Donne, likely in the 1590s. In it, the speaker describes love as a profound experience that's almost like a religious epiphany. Indeed, the poem claims that erotic love can produce the same effects that religion can. Through love, the speaker’s soul awakens; because of love, the speaker abandons the outside world; in love, the speaker finds immortality. This is a potentially subversive argument, for two reasons. First, because the poem suggests that all love—even love outside of marriage—might have this transformative, enlightening effect. Second, because of the idea that romantic love can mirror the joys and revelations of religious devotion.
his friends are crazy over protective of their son
most likely so that he wouldn't fall in.
D) Section
According to a different source, these are the options that are included in this question:
A) Triangle
B) Spiral
C) Square
D) Section
E) Harp
The golden section, or golden ratio, is a mathematical ratio that is often found in nature. Two quantities are considered to be in the same ratio when their ratio is equal to the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. This ratio is considered to be particularly beautiful to the human eye, which is why it is often used in art and design.