Probably so they could settle the land for themseleves
Although thousands of protesters simply tried to escape, others fought back, stoning the attacking troops and setting fire to military vehicles. Reporters and Western diplomats there that day estimated that hundreds to thousands of protesters were killed in the Tiananmen Square Massacre, and as many as 10,000 were arrested.
<span>49,457 miles
The most first landmarks of Amenhotep IV delineate the conventional love of gods executed by the masterful style of the people that were in existence before his reign, artifacts show that they were strong idol worshipers as shown by the artifact of falcon god sculpture. There are strong indications that the measurements were accurate and in accordance to their worship style</span>
This surge in African nationalism was fueled by several catalytic factors besides the oppressive colonial experience itself: missionary churches, World Wars I and II, the ideology of Pan-Africanism, and the League of Nations/United Nations.