The price at which equilibrium is reached is known as the equilibrium price. In economics, the equilibrium price is reached when the quantity of a certain product will match the demand of a certain product with regard to price per product. In order to solve for this, you have to compute for quantity demand and quantity supply. After that, you have to graph the line of these two equations and find where these two lines would intersect to find the equilibrium price.
The $400,000 should be a result of the acquisition of the in-process research and development activities
Intangible Assets: The intangible assets are those assets that cannot be seen or even touched. It is not tangible in nature
The example is goodwill, and intellectual properties like - patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc.
The recording of the intangible assets based on the fair market value i.e $400,000 instead of associated costs.