Write pseudocode and create a mock-up of how the game will work and look
Since in the question it is mentioned that Adam wants to develop a new game for this he made an outline with respect to game functions needed, time period, people who help him.
After that, he writes the pseudocode i.e a programming language and then develops a model i.e mock up that reflects the working of the game and its look so that he would get to know how much work is pending.
// program in Python to check perfect number
#function to find number is perfect or not
def is_Perfect_Number(n):
#total variable
tot = 1
i = 2
#sum of all divisor of number
while i*i<=n:
if n%i==0:
tot = tot + i + n/i
if tot == n and n != 1:
return 1
i = i+1
return 0
#read until user enter a perfect number
while True:
#read integer
num = int(input("Input an integer: "))
#call the function
print(num,"is perfect number")
#if perfect number break
print(num,"is not a perfect number")
#ask again
print("try again.")
Read number from user and then call the function is_Perfect_Number() with parameter "num".This will find the sum of all divisor of number.If sum is equal to number then it will return 1 else return 0.If the number is not perfect then it will again ask to enter a number until user enter a perfect number.
Input an integer: 24
24 is not a perfect number
try again.
Input an integer: 28
28 is perfect number
1. Scripts area is the main working area in Scratch.
2. Sensing blocks are color-coded light blue.
3. Adware is a malware which pops up a window, informing the user that the system is infected and asks for a fee to clean it.
4. Amaya is a WYSIWYG.
Answer: any job that has programming in it