The answer is unconscious and preconscious, respectively.
The unconscious usually holds unpleasant or unacceptable ideas which are not accesible by conscious thought. Some psychoanalists suchs as Sigmund Freud used dream analysis to access these ideas.
The preconscious contains ideas that can be brought to awareness easily, often at very specific situations (e.g. an answer for an exam).
None of the listed answers
During muscle contraction, the strands of collagen stretch and the muscle shortens. The Golgi tendon organ sends impulses when the muscle lengthens. This distension deforms the terminals of the sensory fiber of type Ib, whereby the cationic channels sensitive to distension are opened. As a result, the axon becomes depolarized and action potentials are triggered that trigger the nervous impulse towards the central nervous system, through the spinal cord. The frequency of the action potential indicates the force that is converted within the muscle.
Dependency theorists explain global inequality and global stratification by focusing on the way that core nations (or high-income nations) exploit both semi-peripheral and peripheral nations (or middle-income and low-income nations). These middle/low income nations are exploited in many ways such as extremely cheap labor and uneducated decision making. This allows resources to flow from these poor and underdeveloped states to a "core" of wealthy states
Oligarchy comes from the greek word "oligos" which means " a few" and the word "archos" which means "to Govern", so it is a government system where all the power is gathered by a small group of people, usually richest families in the city or country, it isn´t seen as an open democracy because not only they run the destinities of the country but also develop and create the rules, the law, and manage all the system. Back then we also could find that power in the hands of the oldest men in the country who controlled everything and had a lot of economic power.