Some scholars have replaced the "melting pot" term with the "salad bowl theory." The melting pot concept posited that immigrants came to the United States with a multitude of backgrounds, religions, and cultures. Once in the United States, however, they melted together to form an American culture with no single immigrant culture standing out from others. The salad bowl theory, on the other hand, argues that these immigrants came to the United States and retained their cultures. Instead of melting together to create an American culture, each culture remains distinct and noticeable in parts just like how when you look at a salad you see tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, and carrots.The cultures are still recognizable, but they all come together to create the salad - an American culture.
Commissioned artists for over 1,000 pieces for his castle
The correct answer is D. Marbury v. Madison was the first time a law was declared unconstitutional.
Marbury v. Madison was a judicial ruling issued by the Supreme Court in 1803, through which the Supreme Court created the power of judicial review, a legal institute that allowed it to review the constitutionality of government acts and the different laws, thus seeking protect the legal system of the country, to avoid laws or conduct contrary to the Constitution of the United States. In this way, the Supreme Court became the arbitrator that defines the legality of government norms and conduct, becoming the final interpreter of the Constitution.
Jamestown and Plymouth were two of the colonies that English immigrants settled into when they left England mostly because of Religious freedom.