An easy way to do this would be to convert the fraction into a decimal and multiply. You can use a calculator for this. Convert 3/8 into a decimal, which will be 0.375. Now multiply 24 * 0.375 = 9. So doctors say you should spend 9 hours sleeping.
C) y = 6x is the answer.
Step-by-step explanation:
(-1/2,-3) and (0,0)
slope(m) = ( 0 + 3)/(0 + 1/2)= 3/1/2 = 6
y = mx + b
or, y = 6x + 0
so, y = 6x
The reason why it is important to keep each side of a problem the same is because if you do, your problem will be unequal. This will mess the whole problem up.
Hope this Helps!
Brainliest would be appreciated :)
27 is how much kids did the survey because I added all the fractions together like how the question did 3/5 which is 3 × 5 = 15