Communist Party of the United States of America
hope it helps
People have moved from their home countries for centuries, for all sorts of reasons. Some are drawn to new places by ‘pull ‘ factors, others find it difficult to remain where they are and migrate because of ‘push’ factors. These have contributed to the recent movement of people here but are also the reason why people from here have emigrated to other countries. Over 80 million people in the world have Irish blood; 36.5 million US residents claimed Irish ancestry in 2007. Historically some were transported or sold into slavery or left because of poverty, hunger, persecution, discrimination, civil war, unemployment and, more recently, simply for education and better jobs. Migrant numbers have risen rapidly in the last decade. In 2013 there were thought to be over 230 million international migrants.
In general terms one can think of expansionism, that is occupying land that were deamed not productive in order to cultivate or explore -- onje can check the American expansion to the West, this shows that the settlers had little to no regard to the first settlers.
After the consolidation of the American territory, latinos and native Americans were relegaded as second class citizens, along with ex-slaves, most lations and Afroamericans occupied big centers but mostly in the outskirts, and Native Americans now are over 5 million people, a few more than a half this number live in Alaska alone.
Nowadays there is the problem with the border with Mexico and one can say that there is justified fear of human traficking and smuggling with immigrants who seek a better life in the US, the problem is, there are good people who want to work and prosper in the US but they are blended together with evil-doers, still showing a general suspicion to Latinos as a group.
That is a opinionated question. My answer would be after world war 2 and the start of the Cold War communism was spreading. Many Americans where proud of capitalism and democracy. and they were proud of their freedom.
They all believe in one God, their holy book derives from the Torah somewhat, they generally have the same ethics (don’t kill, don’t steal etc.)
However, Jews are still waiting for a messiah, Christians are waiting for the Messiah Jesus to come again, and Muslims are a bit of a mix, Messianism is alien to Sunni Islam but it is a central belief in Shia Islam.