1:it began in july 28 1914- November 11 1918
2: A Fake Paris was Built to fool German Pilots in Word War 1
3:they used a urinated hanckercheif as self defense
The type of anchor that has a little holding power is a mushroom anchor, as this is a type of anchor that looks like a shape of a mushroom-- the reason it has little holding power is that its weight is not enough to hold down a certain object and it does not have a certain hook in its part that could be use in holding on to the ground to stay put.
A little girl notices that, whenever both of her parents are in the car, her father is always driving. She deduces that women should be passive and men should be active. This process is called social learning.
Homogeneous Products
In a perfectly competitive market, buyers treat the product produced by different firms as homogeneous. So they are willing to pay the same price for products of different firms. No firm, therefore, can charge a price higher than the market determined Price