Adolescent parenthood is associated with a range of adverse outcomes for young mothers, including mental health problems such as depression, substance abuse, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Teen mothers are also more likely to be impoverished and reside in communities and families that are socially and economically disadvantaged. These circumstances can adversely affect maternal mental health, parenting, and behavior outcomes for their children.
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Early motherhood and its impact on mothers, children, families and communities is a prevalent health challenge in developing countries that needs to be urgently explored. The aim of this study was exploring the challenges encountered by Iranian adolescent mothers during the transition to motherhood.
a foil character is a character that possesses traits that the main character does not have and this usually teaches the reader a moral message through juxtaposition
how mutual respect for rights and responsibilities by those in a relationship could sustain a positive relationship
Throughout the story "The First Seven Years" Feld wants Miriam to marry a wealthy man from a higher social class. He believes that doing that Miriam will be happier. However, Feld's epiphany challenges his values when he realizes that his daughter is too young to get married, she is only nineteen years old.