Mid-dreaming, I jolted awake to a strange sound. It reminded me of static or air waves buzzing around my tent. My eyes became fixated on the zipper in which was opening up the tent, seemingly on its own. Frightened, I see a bald-headed, green creature, who resembled a person, staring back at me.
It looked at me, I looked at it.
His voice spoke out words I could barely comprehend. It sounded like an invite to a house party of some sort.
Next thing I knew was I have teleported to a new room. It was filled with gears and robotic-like gadgets. There were buttons and neon lights surrounding me.
All of the sudden, I realized I was not alone.
S⇒ who
V⇒ sings
O⇒ song
In passive voice
→If subject is who it changes to <em>by whom.</em>
- by is added before object
In my opinion, the correct answer is <span>C. tone. Intention has to do with the prewriting process; if I intend to do something, it doesn't mean I will be able to achieve it. On the other hand, my tone can be comical, tragical, sarcastic, skeptical... It is my choice of stylistic devices that I intentionally use to show exactly how I feel about the topic. My writing voice consists of all the elements that make my writing unique and recognizable, distinct from all other authors. Euphemism has nothing to do with these things, it is simply an expression which is intentionally milder than it should be.</span>