that one variable precedes the other in time, that the two variables are correlated and that this relationship is not spurious.
In <em>Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Generilized Causal Inference</em> (2002), researchers Cook and Campbell present a set of conditions that must be met in order to establish a valid causal relationship: <u>one variable precedes the other in time</u> (temporal precedence), <u>the two variables are correlated</u> (covariation), <u>and that this relationship is not spurious</u> (no third variable is present).
Republicans is one of the two parties, that exist as minority apart from democratic party in the house.
Republicans is referred as one of the major contemporary parties that is also known as GOP or Grand old party. this party represents an organisation of national committee and is also responsible for development and promotion of republic political platform. it supports those foundations that are concerned with fiscal policies or low taxes.
In psychology, the term temperament refers to the aspects of our personality we are born with.
According to many psychologists such as Thomas and Chess there are three main types of temperament: easy, difficult and slow to warm up.
- Easy temperament: these babies <u>adapt easily</u> to new situations and they have <u>regular routines</u> and in general they are <u>cheerful</u> and have a positive mood.
- Difficult temperament: These babies don't adapt as easily to new situations, have irregular routines and have a negative mood. They tend to cry a lot.
- Slow-to-warm-up temperament: They are slow to adapt to new things and have a low level of energy. They are usually catalogued as shy babies.
In this example, Bindy <u>has regular routines, is cheerful and easy to adapt to new situations. </u>We can see that according to what we said before, she would be classified as an Easy child.
A rotating column of air is called a vortex
In order to avoid discomfort in the summer, the architect wants living areas protected from the sun in the afternoon.
The exposure of the human skins to the rays of the sun causes skin cancers. Acceptable range of exposure will not have harmful effects on the human skins. But over exposure can cause damages in skin, immune system and also eyes.
During summer the climate will be hot and precautions must be taken to avoid skin damages and other diseases that are caused by the sun light. It is very essential to have living areas that is to be protected from the sun during afternoon.