Answer: Testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone
Testosterone is a sex hormone produce by the male sex organs or testes typically in the seminiferous tubules. It incudes male sexual characteristics that is the production and development of sperms in males. The follicle stimulating hormone is involved in causing the maturation of the eggs or female gametes in the female sex organs or ovaries. It also induces the mensuration cycle in females. FSH also have a role in stimulating the spermatogenesis in males as it acts on the Sertoli cells of the testes and stimulates the sperm production.
A sugar is a source of carbohydrate which is made up of carbon and oxygen atoms. Providing a yeast with more amount of sugar will increase the process of fermentation which is the anaerobic respiration. The carbon dioxide will be released after this process. The released carbon dioxide gas can be measured by observing the shape of the balloon and measuring the quantity of carbon dioxide present in the balloon.
An eukaryote is a cell that has organelles like the mitochondria, nucleous, etc.. A prokaryote is a cell with no organelles, meaning that the dna flows freely in it. A way i remember which is which, is that the "pro" in prokaryote rhymes with "no" which means "no organelles"
the private area of a man produces sperm