Type of ground cover
Proximity to a water body
The main difference between hot and cold desert is that the hot desert is battered by a high sun whereas the cold desert has ice and the snow in the ground.
The renewable energy source is Hydroelectricity.
Humans affect the physical environment in numerous ways: overpopulation, contamination, burning fossil powers, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate alter, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water. These negative impacts can influence human behavior and can provoke mass migrations or battles over clean water.
Geographycally speaking, Russia is situated North and West of China.
They are both countries which expand on a vast territory and confine with many countries:
China also confines with: North Korea on the East, Mongolia on the North, Kazakistan, Kirghizistan, Tagikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India in the West, and Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam in the South.
While Russia confines with: Kazakistan, Mongolia and Georgia on the South, Ucraina, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia and Finland on the West.